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Volume Pilot (a)/2007 (December, 30)

Contents (1 article, 105 pages)

Petrescu R. M., 2007 [History and evolution of the Common Agriculture Policy from the perspective of the European Union enlargement]. AAB Bioflux Pilot (a): 1-105. [In Spanish]

Abstract. Agriculture was traditionally one of the priorities of the European policy representatives, especially during the negotiation of the Treaty of Rome (1957), when the memory of the after war food shortage was still alive. The Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) is the first policy which becomes communitary. It is also a legislative framework, as it is composed of a series of norms and mechanisms which regulate the production, agricultural products trade in the EU and we cannot ignore that every day rural development and the agrimeasures gain a greater importance. In this context, we presented and analyzed the comparative results between Romanian negotiations with the EU and the accession negotiation of the other European candidate countries. Considered to have an increased interest, the issue of benefits and costs related to this process, as well as that of the direct and indirect consequences of integration were aproched in this paper.

Key words: Common Agriculture Policy, enlargement, legislation, reforms.

AAB Bioflux

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Volume pilot (a)/2007 (December, 30) - available printed only