Advances in Agriculture & Botanics

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Volume 7(1)/2015

First pages, 2015 AAB Bioflux 7(1):i-vi.

Ibrahim M. A., Daraj I. A., 2015 Micropropagation of dahlia plants Dahlia variabilis Wild (Desf.). Effect of explant and plant growth regulators on shoot regeneration and growth. AAB Bioflux 7(1):1-6.

Abbas M. F., Jasim A. M., Al-Zubaidy B. H., 2015 Effect of NaCl stress on protein pattern changes in embryogenic callus of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cv. Ashkar. AAB Bioflux 7(1):7-11.

Hasan Z. K., 2015 Assessment of Cadmium and Lead effect on the growth of phosphate dissolved bacterium Bacillus polymyxa and its efficiency in vitro. AAB Bioflux 7(1):12-19.

Estanol C. R., Orbita M. L. S., Tampus A. D., Manting M. M. E., Orbita R. R., 2015 Abundance and biomass of Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenberg) Ascherson in the seegrass bed of Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte, Mindanao, Philippines. AAB Bioflux 7(1):20-27.

Ibrahim M. A., Daraj I. A., 2015 Micropropagation of dahlia plants Dahlia variabilis. Direct and indirect organogenesis techniques. AAB Bioflux 7(1):28-35.

Jumawan J. H., Martinez M. P. R., Navarro J. A. M. G., Ibrahim C. K., Guili P. D., Diez A. G. G., Minguito M. J. O., Velasco D. G. M., Santos R. S. D., Dialane I. B., 2015 Correlating mangrove diversity and soil composition in a rehabilitated coastline of Hagonoy, Davao del Sur, Philippines. AAB Bioflux 7(1):36-43.

Al-Abbasi A. M. A. S., Abbas J. A., Al-Zurfi M. T. H., 2015 Effect of spraying thiamin and salicylic acid on growth and flowering of Zinnia elegans L. ABB Bioflux 7(1):44-50.

Lagunay R. A. E., Uy M. M., 2015 Evaluation of the phytochemical constituents of the leaves of Ficus minahassae Tesym & De Vr., Casuarina equisetifolia Linn., Leucosyke capitellata (Pior) Wedd., Cassia sophera Linn., Derris elliptica Benth., Cyperus brevifolius (Rottb.) Hassk., Piper abbreviatum Opiz., Ixora chinensis Lam., Leea aculeata Blume, and Drymoglossum piloselloides Linn. AAB Bioflux 7(1):51-58.

Al Mayahi M. Z., Fayadh M. H., 2015 The effects of garlic extract, its application methods and their interaction on growth and yield of potato, Solanum tuberosum (L.) Cv. Latonia. AAB Bioflux 7(1):59-69.

AAB Bioflux

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